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Nightmare Announcements (End of the Opening Segment)

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Nightmare Announcements (End of the Opening Segment) Empty Nightmare Announcements (End of the Opening Segment)

Post  Ja Phipps Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:09 am

--Ja Phipps walks to the ring unexpectedly without his music. He is wearing the World Heavyweight Championship over the shoulder of his suit--
Andrew: What the hell is he doing out here?
Blake: He is doing whatever he wants Andrew, being the World Heavyweight Champion gets you that right.
--Ja Phipps walks into the ring and gets a Microphone off Sasha and, to a chorus of boo's, holds up the World Heavyweight Championship.--
Ja Phipps: Ladies and Gentlemen. Now, i am not only know as the Ja Phipps, as the World Heavyweight Champion, as Agent X but now i am known as something else, something more important. But before i let you know i will show you a clip of what happened as King Neli was leaving the draft show last season
--A video plays on the titantron of King Neli walking to a limo before Dr. Thrax steps out of the limo and starts to assault Neli, he continues for a full 2 minutes attacking with chairs and a lead pipe. After a while EBW security run to the scene and start to restrain Thrax, but then Underkane jumps out of the limo and continues the assault on King Neli, this time with knuckle dusters. After the security have restrained them both, they walk away--
Ja Phipps: What you just saw was the demise of King Neli, General Manager of EBW. He was taken to hospital and put on a life support machine, I took time out of my busy schedule to visit him.
--Ja Phipps walks into a private hospital room and bends down to turn off the life support machine. He starts to whisper in King Neli's ear as Neli's life is slowly drained out of him, Ja Phipps then switches the life support machine on and hands neli a document, which King Neli signs hesitantly--
Ja Phipps: That was a brief part of my visit, but it was the most important part. Neli had, in that video, just signed a waver saying that no legal action shall be taken against the guild. But what was written in the small text is even more important. I will cut to the chase, King Neli has signed over EBW to ME! I AM YOUR NEW GENERAL MANAGER!
Blake: YES! Well done JP
Andrew: What the hell, this can't happen!
--The crowd Boo loudly as the realization sinks in and Ja Phipps smirks in the ring--
Ja Phipps: Now as the new GM of EBW i have made a few changes! I will make my mark on EBW by... RENAMING IT! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Addicted to Pain Wrestling! or ATPW for short!
Andrew: WHAT? He can't do that. Can he?
Blake: He can do whatever he wants, he owns EB... i mean ATPW!
Ja Phipps: Also Dr. Thrax is now a member of the guild! But since the guild is now split up, Tike and Thrax will be in the Warzone branch and Me and Underkane shall be in the Nightmare branch!
Blake: This just gets better and better, the guild is now everywhere!
Ja Phipps: Next, I am challenging the Masked Man that attacked me last season to a match tonight, you can come out masked or unmasked but i am going to beat you to a pulp! Next, Underkane, you need a tag partner. Because tonight i am Merging both brands Tag Team titles to make the ATPW Tag Team Championship, and it will be a Four Way Match!
Andrew: This is a dark day in EBW history
Blake: WHAT? Dark? Its the brightest day ever, haha. And its ATPW you idiot!
Ja Phipps: Now tonight i promise that Every title on nightmare will be on the line, except my World Championship! Starting with Bally vs bul harley. Now enjoy MY show!
Andrew: WHAT? Well JP does have one good idea!

Last edited by VGM Ja Phipps on Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ja Phipps

Posts : 187
Points : 346
Join date : 2009-03-27
Age : 29

Character sheet
Level: 1
Class: Strength

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