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A new start for The Kings

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A new start for The Kings Empty A new start for The Kings

Post  Hades Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:22 am

--Hades enters The Kings locker room and finds Insa working out--

Hades: Hey partner, do you have a match tonight and i don't know about?

Insa: I'm getting ready for the PPV partner.

Hades: Are you kidding me? You are really working out to face...

--Insa interrupts Hades with a serious voice--

Insa: Yes, The Ladies Men. I'm tired of people thinking they can beat us, Had, we defeated every damn resistance in this federation and still people try to take us down, and you know why?

Hades: Illuminate me...

Insa: Because we limit our selves to defeat them, we just win those damn matches, this must stop, and we will make it stop at the Pay Per View.

--Hades smiles--

Hades: You wanna stop wining partner?

--Insa gets on his feat, and starts shouting with rage--

Insa: Stop joking! I want to hurt them! I want to set an example for everyone! I want to see the fear in their eyes! I want them out of the game! Now it's time to decide if are you are going to back me up on this or I have to do it on my own?

--Hades becomes serious--

Hades: Partner...

--Hades looks at his tight fists, than back to Insa--

Hades: If I'm going back there, I don't know if I can stop it again. You know what happened...

--Insa interrupts Hades--

Insa: I know, but this time I want to take that path together with you...

--Insa approaches Hades and puts his right hand on his left shoulder--

Insa: Why do you think I joined you back in IIW, damn it, I admired the intensity, the rage, the hate that you were puting in that ring every damn night, I envied you, for the fear and at the same time the respect that every member of that roster had when you were only passing near them, I want us to have that, here, in AtPW. And I want it to start at Pain Overdose.

--Hades nods--

Hades: Ok, but in order to accomplish that there's one thing that we have to do first.

--Insa smiles--

Insa: Shoot partner, I am ready for everything.

Hades: Tonight we will have to show each other that we can go over the limit, to take the pain to another level, and there is no one out there able to make us achieve this.

Insa: So what's the plan?

Hades: You and me partner, in that damn ring tonight, in an last blood match.

--Insa's smile dissapears as his face becomes serious and a bit worried--

Insa: You versus me? Me versus You? The Kings fighting each other?

Hades: This is what it takes pal, it's the only way to know each other to perfection, to prove the same emotions, to go over the edge together.

Insa: But, heating each other like we hit those guys in the ring...

--Hades interrupts Insa shouting--

Hades: No! Damn it! Not like we fight those losers out there! Much harder, this match has to be insane, we will both face the best opponent in this fed, we can not have any sorrow, if you are able to make me scream in pain, think of what you could do after to those playboys next week.

Insa: You are right, this will bring us closer, it will make us stronger, and above all, this will make us mercyless.

--Hades puts his hands on Insa's shoulders and whispers--

Hades: Now prepare yourself brother 'cause we will have a hell of a fight tonight.

--Insa without saying a word turns his back on Hades and starts working on the punching bag with more energy and rage than ever before, while Hades exits the locker room--

Last edited by Hades on Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Insa Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:14 pm

go on partner!

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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Frozen King Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:15 pm

Wow Thats A Sick RP And It Sounds Fantastic
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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  under cover brother Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:27 am

--The Ladies Men come out to the ring with a mic in hand and the crowd loves them.--

UCB: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen. You now have the pleasure to witness the best tag team in wrestling history. Now we don't have the titles because we were robbed of them, but that isn't why we are out here."

NP: "That's right. Actually... just kidding."

--The Ladies Men start laughing.--

NP: "The reason we are out here is that we demand some answers. Now we are going to face the Kings at Pain Overdose and we are excited to face them. But the Unified Tag Titles aren't going to be up for grabs because Matt and Meech are too scared to put those titles on the line before Pain Overdose. Now since this is the biggest PPV ever, we should put on a great show and we want the tag titles there and on the line!"

--The crowd starts to chant "Ladies Men Rock!!! The Kings Suck!!!"--

UCB: "Now the Kings have said that they have beaten every team in ATPW, but they have never faced us. We are the best, so Kings I have one question for you. Are you ready?"

NP and UCB: "WE SAID ARE YOU READY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

NP: "So either the GM comes out and gives us answers or the Kings come on out and leave your little love fest from the back and face us like men before Pain Overdose.

--The Ladies Men look prepared for someone to come out.--
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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Hades Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:17 am

--Hades comes out on the ramp with a mic in his hand--

Hades: You talk but all I hear is yadda, yadda, yadda and some bla just in the middle.

--The Ladies Men look at each other annoyed and than back at Hades--

Hades: You say that we never defeated you but if I'm not wrong last season you two were on the minor show trying to survive...

--The crowd starts chanting: Warzone! Warzone! Warzone!--

Hades: Ok, this season you made it on the main show, with the big guys, but still, you lost the titles against a tag team that came still from the minor show, so...

--The crowd starts booing--

Hades: ...maybe you just weren't ready to make the big step up. Maybe, just maybe, you aren't ready even to face The Kings, because boys, The Kings brought down in one night the whole Guild and the maximum you did in one night was to lose agains one man, Dylan Meach.

--The Ladies Men start to look charged up--

Hades: Hey, hey, calm down, don't get me wrong, you've puted up a hell of a match against one of finalists of the heavyweight title tournament, so I'm sure you could get The Kings in trouble too...

--Hades starts smiling--

Hades: ...if we had our hands tied up...

--Hades starts laughing loudly--

Hades: Believe me guys, I would love to get up there and humiliate you tonight, but you see, me and my partner are going thru a period of transition right now, which will end with the Main Event of tonight, The Kings last blood match. But don't worry, we wont kill each other tonight, hurt, yes, we will hurt each other really bad and probably we wont even get 100% ready before the PPV and before our match against you, ladies, but don't get a stupid smile on your face, because, we will replace the physical allments with something else...

--Hades looks down and than back at The Ladies Men, this time with a totally different look, an intense and evil one--

Hades: ...with PASSION, RAGE, WRATH and a FIRM BELIEVE that we are THE BEST!!!

--Hades drops the mis and heads backstage--

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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  under cover brother Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:16 am

UCB: "Whoa Hades, don't leave just yet, this party is just getting started."

NP: "What? A PARTY??? WHERE?"

--Norwegian Playboy looks around the ring.--

NP: "LIAR!!! There is no party right now."

UCB: "Norwegian, wait up, there will be one later. But back to buisness. Hades well you and Insa are a great tag team. Ya'll have done well for yourself here in ATPW. We love watching your matches, ya'll are terrific."

NP: "That's right The Kings are wonderful, but not great yet. OK. You see, we have done something as a tag team that you two haven't done. You see, we have won the tag titles. We were the Unified Tag Team Champions, not once, but twice."

UCB: "So like we said, we can't wait to face ya'll. So Hades now you can go to the back, and we will have fun and we will prepare for Pain Overdose. We can't wait to beat you guys at Pain Overdose."

--The Ladies Men are looking and grinning at Hades.--
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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Insa Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:36 am

--Insa's voice appear at the AtPW Arena--

Insa, The Irish: Calm down Ladies, you both will have the chance to taste the power of The Kings.

--The Ladies Man looks at each other--

Insa, The Irish: I'm down here.

--Insa is sitting at the commentator's table--

Insa, The Irish: You are right, you guys did a lot of things that we didn't. Win the title is one thing... But what is a title? We are the holders of a title that Hades don't even care to hold.

--Insa throws Hades's Heavyweigth Belt at the floor--

Insa, The Irish: Mid Carvers like you need the belts so you can appear... We... The Kings, don't need this trash. We rule Nightmare and our "pupil" rule Warzone.

--The crowed boos--

Insa, The Irish: See... We don't need the belts. We have power, what is enough to make every wrestler here to fear us. And tonight we will give to AtPW an unique fight. After today anyone that enter this ring with us will be afraid to happen to him what will happen to us.

--The crowd is silenced--

Insa, The Irish: Well... Ladies.. Now if you please go back to your locker room, I'll be preparing for tonight because it is way more important then you.

Insa, The Irish: And Hades, if I were you I would get ready, because I won't go easy on you. You are the only wrestler that I can give everything i have.

--Insa is waiting looking at Hades--

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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Hades Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:51 am

--Hades turns around for a second, raise the mic from the floor and speaks--

Hades: Insa "The Irish", tonight I will raise my performance as high as I can, believe me mate, nobody has ever seen me wrestle like that yet, and remember one thing, one King can only be defeated by another King.

--Hades turns around again and leaves--

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A new start for The Kings Empty Re: A new start for The Kings

Post  Norwegian_Playboy Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:01 am

-- The ladies men look on each other --

NP: " Awww, ain't them just too cute?"

UCB: " soon they be holding hands, skipping down the road"

-- The ladies men walks out of the arena with the fans laughing and chanting for their names --

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